Monday, September 21, 2020

A Decade of Daphne

 Dear Princess and The Pea, Belle, Belladonna, Bean, Belle-Belle, 

Our world has been blessed to have had you in it for an entire decade! If you thought the stars and the sea celebrated the day you were born, you should have seen the way dolphins dove and polar bears plunged at the news of your 10th birthday! You have made the world more magical, and even the trees thank you for your loveliness. 

The year you turned 10 years old also happens to be the Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In April, you and all the other students in the country were sent home from school. For months, you learned by yourself at home or at Grandma Lil's house. To be honest, so much has changed since the pandemic began, that it's hard to remember what our life was like beforehand! But, I'll do my best to highlight what I can.

Last year, you were in fourth grade and started the year with a new friend named Mira. She ended up leaving New Horizon, and that was a really big loss for you. Often you would come home from school and tell me how it was hard for you there now that Mira was gone. Fourth grade was not your favorite year. But, you always have been able to find something joyful even through the challenging days. You are very smart, and your humor is so quick and sharp. You actually really enjoy your own company. 

You spent a lot of time reading this past year. You started the Harry Potter series at Christmas time, and now you're on Book 6, I think. You *DO NOT* like the films, because you say they make you "cringe." You also feel it was poorly cast: Harry is supposed to have bushy, black hair and Hermione is too pretty in the movie.

For Halloween last year, you were dressed as a marionette. Aunt Jenny did your makeup, and you looked awesome. The cousins came over and Trick or Treated with us. It was a beautiful night, no coats required. This year, we haven't heard whether we will get to Trick or Treat or not, yet. 

Nana Sue came and stayed with us for two weeks at Christmas and New Year's. She was there on Christmas morning when we opened all the presents she brought us, and we celebrated with the usual egg, bacon, and cheese croissant casserole you love. 

Your tastes changed a lot this year. You matured in some ways and just changed in others. You love the color black. You love anime (especially "My Hero Academia"). You are on Pinterest or YouTube A LOT. Dad gave you his old phone, and I'm pretty sure that was a mistake. You are as hooked as any kiddo your age might be! You do something that you call "App Testing," which includes downloading new apps and playing them so you can personally rate them. You LOVE music. Lately, you've been listening to EDM (you like Skrillex) and The Living Tombstone. If I asked you if you wanted to go outside or stay inside, you would always pick inside. If I asked you what you wanted to eat, you would normally say chicken strips with BBQ sauce and french fries. You like to do crafty and artsy things.

Even though you're growing up, you still love to sleep in our bed with me and Dad. You love to play "car" by sitting on my knees and steering with my arms. You gave away a lot of your Barbies, but you couldn't part with the Dream House. You'd like to redecorate your room, but you're very nostalgic for your things and for the way things used to be. You could never part with your stuffed animals (especially Zoomie, Lamby, Eeyore, and Foxy). 

Besides the pandemic, there's been some other crappy stuff this year. Dad and Dee Dee really struggled with their marriage this year, and you were definitely impacted deeply by this. You haven't seen Dee Dee or Rylan or Brenden since April, and it's not right how things have played out for you. I'm sorry, Daphne, and I wish I could make the world a place of sunshine and rainbows, but I can't. 

Instead, what I hope to do is to inspire you to be strong and keep laughing. You have already overcome so many things. You recently started going to the Central Middle School for 5th grade. You all have to get your temperature screened every day before you start, and you wear a mask except for P.E. Whenever I ask, "How was school,?" you answer, "Meh." But, you did meet a girl you like, Sophia, and a boy who is your friend named Zeb. It's still early in the year, but you've already had to go home for a week, because someone at school had the virus. 

You dyed your hair for your birthday this year, which was crazy and awesome. It took four hours to get your dark hair bleached and blue. We all love it, even Grandma Lil and Grandpa Eric and my Grandma Joan. 

I'm so proud of you and how much effort you put in when you want to. You are capable of doing anything in this world, and I can't wait to see each day, how much more you grow. I love you so, Daphne. 

Do you know how much? 


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