Friday, September 9, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday!

Yay! We got family pictures taken, and I'm pretty excited about them. Daphne? Pretty much the cutest baby of all time and now it's proven in print. Also, I haven't done a Fill in the Blank Friday in forever, so I'm excited to see what blanks Lauren at *the little things we do* has come up with this week!

1.   Somewhere someone is   falling in love. That makes me smile.

2.  Music     is/are my muse. It definitely moves me to be more creative.

3.  It would suck if   chocolate was no more because  Jon and I would then have nothing in common. (Currently, our chocolate addiction is holding our marriage together ;).

4.    The weather   is/are my favorite thing about today. It is rainy and overcast and cool.

5.  Life is kind of like   a movie. No, wait. Usually it's nothing like a movie. This is a deep question for FITBF.

6.  If I could have anything I wanted I would want  a house. Right. Now. Please.

7.  A funny thing happened the other day...   Before dinner every night, I take Daphne's clothes off so she doesn't get them all grimy. The other day, I took her clothes off and she ran to her high chair and started banging on it like, "Yay! I know it's time to eat now!!"

Fun blanks! Thank you, Lauren!

1 comment:

  1. I'd love for it to be cool & rainy here in SoCal. It's been so hot lately :(

    OMG that is the cutest story! Just goes to show that routines work. Stopping by from Lauren's blog.
