Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, ya'll!

 Thanks again to Lauren at *the little things we do*  for coming up with these fun posts! I hope everyone has a spectacular weekend!
1.   You should always take time to     fix your hair. It sounds shallow, but I know I always feel better about facing the world when I've even just blow-dried mine .

2. Kittens and puppies    make(s) the world a happier place to be.

3.  I can hardly wait for the day when I sleep eight hours straight. Surely Daphne will sleep through the night at some point in the near future, right?!

4.   Monday    is my favorite day of the week. Because of Jon's schedule, Monday is like our Saturday.

5.  Something totally dumb and ridiculous that I love is  television. It's sad but true.

6.  If I could, I would  help a lot more people fix all their problems.

7.  I rather like   this episode of My Drunk Kitchen, but the language is totally inappropriate, just to warn ya. Still? Pretty funny.

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